Good day.
regarding the ultradatasource, how do we extract changes and such from it?
i am familiar with the MS data source and using .GetChanges and/or .GetChanges(Deleted) - how does one go about knowing what records were modified, deleted, or inserted?
thanks for the help.
There's nothing in the grid that stores this information if that's what you are looking for. It's a function of the data source to store changes between itself and the back end.
You could, of course, trap the BeforeRowUpdate event and the BeforeRowsDelete event and write code to track the changes yourself.
Hi all,
Is there really anyway direct method so as to track the changes made to the grid when it is bound to an arraylist or ilist(user specified)
using the datatable.getchanges method able to get the modified rows similar way need help for custom bound arraylist
The DataSet and DataTable are intended for use with some back-end database. So they track changes that need to be committed to the back end. The UltraDataSource is a standalone data source without a back end. So it has no need to keep track of any pending changes.