Setting the Input Mask of an UltraMaskedEdit control to -nnn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn results in a strange behavior, when the size of the UltraMaskedEdit does not fit the length of the Input Mask (in our case the size is 100;20).
When the empty (no text) control gets focus and I start typing digits then all text before the comma disappears left out of the control. I.e. as long as I type digits before the comma I can't see what I do. As soon as I get after the comma I can see the input as expected.
By the way: we can't use UltraCurrencyEditor or UltraNumericEditor since they do not display all decimal places...
I tried this and was not able to reproduce the mentioned behavior. I attached my sample to this post so please review it and feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.