hello i try to export a ultragrid to excel but it changes the data format. my code is:
Public Sub gmt_Exportar_Excel(ByVal Grilla As UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid, Optional NombreArchivo As String = "") Try Dim uge_Exportar As New UltraGridExcelExporter Dim sfd_Dialogo As New System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
sfd_Dialogo.Filter = "Libros de Excel (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|Todos Los Archivos (*.*)|*.*" sfd_Dialogo.DefaultExt = "xlsx" sfd_Dialogo.FilterIndex = 1 sfd_Dialogo.Title = "Exportar a ..." If NombreArchivo.Trim <> "" Then sfd_Dialogo.FileName = NombreArchivo Else sfd_Dialogo.FileName = "LibroEOS" End If Dim result As DialogResult = sfd_Dialogo.ShowDialog() If result = DialogResult.Cancel Then Return Dim stNombreArchivo As String = sfd_Dialogo.FileName
uge_Exportar.Export(Grilla, stNombreArchivo, Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorkbookFormat.Excel2007) If MessageBox.Show("Se ha exportado satisfactoriamente el archivo, desea poder visualizarlo?", _ "CONTASOL", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes Then Process.Start(stNombreArchivo) End If
Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try End Sub
the grid looks like this:
and in excel looks like this:
thx for your help
The second image you posted here is too small to see. So I'm not exactly sure what the issue is. But it sounds like you are talking about the Format property of the column. The Format in the grid cannot be applied to Excel directly because DotNet formats are not always the same as Excel formats. So what you need to do is handle the InitializeColumn event of the UltraGridExcelExporter and translate the format from Dotnet format into an appropriate Excel format.
Most of the time, you can just do this:
e.ExcelFormatStr = e.FrameworkFormatStr.