It seems the problem is caused by a combination of UltraToolbarsManager and Windows 2016 as it can be run in Windows 2012 R2 without issues. The Application doesn't fill then screen when maximized and this causes the mouse to be offset.
Our application has a problem when it is launched via remote desktop services and in a seamless window. (Remote Application)
I have written and attached a small sample where you can see the problem
Created new project
Windows Forms Application
- Set Form Windowstate to Maximized- Add UltraToolbarsManager to Form- Press "Show Ribbon"- Set The Following propperties on ToolBarManager * Style - Office2013 * Ribbon/FileMenuStyle - ApplicationMenu2010 Build and open as remote application in Windows Server 2016
See Screenshot- Form is maximized but the form is not filling the entire screen- its like the form has been offset by 10 pixels in x and y direction, but the mouse is NOT - so the mouse is not clicking where you see the mouse curser on the screen
I haver created a new video
Unfortunately it didn't work.
I have created a little video where you can see the problem.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0jcd7nH4cOxRTRueXNDOGJ4UUk/view?usp=sharing
Best regardsMorten
Hi Morten,
Unfortunately, our development team has not tested running our tools via a Remote App service yet, and it will take a sometime to get the environment fully setup to verify that scenario. That said we would likely need to submit this in our system as a development issue for review. That will likely take a significant amount of time. Before I do that, a few suggestions were floated that might be worth trying on your side to determine if they are related to known issues. First would be to try setting on your ToolbarsManager IsGlassSupported = false; There is a known issue around RemoteDesktop that causes similar behaviors, perhaps the Remote App Service is related enough to trigger the same issue. Second set the DPI on the client to 100% does the issue still reproduce?
Its very nice that you took the time to setup the environment. I really apriciate it.
The problem is not in remote desktop, but when the app is shared via remote desktop, with the remote app service. Please try to expose the app as an remote application, and see what happens when you open the application.
best regardsMorten
I have obtained and configured a Windows Server 2016 VM in order to test your sample. I am connected to the VM through Remote Desktop Client.
When I run the sample, I do not encounter the issue you described. The form properly filled the entire screen and there was nothing odd about the mouse cursor's location/hit detection.
Please provide any details about your environment that you suspect may be linked to this issue. Alternatively, if you are able to prepare a VM and supply us with the details, we will use that to debug.