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Marquee UltraStatusBar is not scrolling

I am using the Marquee in the UltraStatusBar and the text is just sitting there. (Not Scrolling)

The code I am using is verbatim from the sample code with the exception of the actual text and the width:

this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("Marquee", PanelStyle.Marquee);

this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels["Marquee"].Width = 902;

this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels["Marquee"].Text = "To view the User's Manual, select 'Help' on the Main Menu";

this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels["Marquee"].MarqueeInfo.MarqueeStyle = MarqueeStyle.Scrolling;

this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels["Marquee"].MarqueeInfo.IsActive = true;


Please Advise.  Thanks