I updated infragistic version from 2014.2 to 2016.2 and my UltraOptionSet control looks differently in Medium Font mode.
I set the fallowing properties for Control Area:
<style role="ControlArea"> <states> <state name="Normal" backColor="White" borderColor="237, 237, 237" backGradientStyle="None" borderColor3DBase="Transparent" themedElementAlpha="Transparent" backHatchStyle="None" /> </states> </style>
The ellipse area of UltraOptionSet is bigger in medium font mode but before update the ellipse are size was the same in normal and medium font.
Now it is looking in medium font like this:
When I used 2014.2 version the ellipse area was looking like this:
How can I left the size of ellipse area the same in medium and normal font?
Thank you!
I have reproduced this issue and I have asked our engineering staff to examine it further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 231438. This will be assigned to a developer in a future sprint to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix or other resolution.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Hi Roman,
I have taken over this case and I am currently setting up a few tests to see the differences in behavior in your sample with different settings and Infragistics versions. I will update you on Monday with the results of my testing.
Did you use the example that I sent you in previous emails?
I see another result when Font is set to Medium (125%) (16.2). On 14.2 version the ellipse is the same when Font is set to 100% and 125%.
I'm sorry. I mistaked in my example.
Please use the fallowing style:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<author />
<copyright />
<description />
<version />
<permittedUsage />
<styleSets defaultStyleSet="Default">
<styleSet name="Default" buttonStyle="Button3D" useFlatMode="True">
<style role="ControlArea">
<state name="Normal" backColor="White" borderColor="237, 237, 237" backGradientStyle="None" borderColor3DBase="Transparent" themedElementAlpha="Transparent" backHatchStyle="None" />
<style role="OptionSetEditorItem">
<state name="Normal" backColor="Transparent" backGradientStyle="None" backHatchStyle="None" />
pic at small (100%)
I popped in to the VM and tested your modified sample on the Windows 7 64bit VM and the glyphs for the radio button area look good in 16.2. Attached are the screen shots I took of them rendered in Small (100%) and Medium (125%). Something else is different between our steps/environments.