I'm having an issue with the child ribbon tabs not showing up correctly when a second and/or third child is loaded onto the parent form
I'm on Windows 10, with VS2015 and latest trial version of infragistics
I tried this code bellow but did not work
The parent form is set to "IsMDIContainer" = true, and each child is set to false
The UltraToolBar MDIMergable=true and Office2007UICompatility= true.
I have the following code in the frmMain:
Protected Overrides Sub OnMdiChildActivate(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnMdiChildActivate(e) Dim activeChildManager As UltraToolbarsManager = Me.UltraToolbarsManager_Main.ActiveMdiChildManager '....................................... If Not activeChildManager Is Nothing Then Dim childTab As RibbonTab = activeChildManager.Ribbon.Tabs(0) Dim parentTab As RibbonTab = childTab.AttachedParentTab If Not parentTab Is Nothing Then Me.UltraToolbarsManager_Main.Ribbon.SelectedTab = parentTab Else '....................... End If Else '............................ End If '--------------------- End Sub
But everytime a child is loaded the parent ribbon only displays the first childs ribbon even though the user selects different children.
Hello Andre,
I followed the steps you suggested and was unable to reproduce the behavior you're describing. I’ve created a small sample project with four forms. First form, MainForm, is set as MDI parent, e.g. IsMDIContainer set to true. All other forms, FirstChild, SecondChild and ThirdChild, has IsMDIContainer ser to false. I added to all four forms UltraToolbarsManagers and added some tools on each. All toolbars managers MDIMergable and Office2007UICompability properties are set to true, exactly as you did.
When I start my sample I am showing the child forms on button click – Main Form Button 1 shows FistChild form and so on. With all three child forms shown whatever child form I activate the tools merge correctly.
I have attached the sample project I used to test this as well as a video I have recorded during my test. Please test this project on your PC and let me know what the result of this test is.
Also, it will help if you can provide a small, isolated sample application that demonstrates the behavior you are seeing, or, if my sample project is not an accurate demonstration of what you're trying to do, please feel free to modify it and send it back.
Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.