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In ultragrid,the greater than filter is working for the numeric number but not working for date field[Datatype is datetime].I have checked the code from google,every thing is correct like MeetsCriteria override,BeforeRowFilterChanged  events etc. but not working.Help is required.



  • 100

    try setting the SortComparer, sort comparer class at the end...

     mainColumn = Me.UltraListView1.MainColumn
                                mainColumn.Key = dr("FIELD").ToString()
                                mainColumn.Text = dr("LABEL").ToString()
                                If Me._RepDocResultsPresenter.IsDateTimeDocumentField(dr("FIELD").ToString()) Then
                                    mainColumn.DataType = GetType(DateTime)
                                    mainColumn.SortComparer = New MainDateItemComparer()
                                    mainColumn.DataType = GetType(String)
                                End If
                                If mainColumn.DataType.FullName = "System.DateTime" Then
                                    mainColumn.Format = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"
                                End If
     Class MainDateItemComparer
            Implements IComparer
            Private col As Integer
            Private order As SortOrder
            Public Sub New()
                col = 0
                order = SortOrder.Ascending
            End Sub
            Public Sub New(column As Integer, order As SortOrder)
                col = column
                Me.order = order
            End Sub
            Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements System.Collections.IComparer.Compare
                Dim returnVal As Integer
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Concat(x.ToString, " ", y.ToString))
                ' Determine whether the type being compared is a date type.
                    ' Parse the two objects passed as a parameter as a DateTime.
                    Dim firstDate As System.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(CType(x,  _
                    Dim secondDate As System.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(CType(y,  _
                    ' Compare the two dates.
                    returnVal = DateTime.Compare(firstDate, secondDate)
                    ' If neither compared object has a valid date format,
                    ' compare as a string.
                    ' Compare the two items as a string.
                    returnVal = [String].Compare(CType(x,  _
                                      UltraListViewItem).Text, CType(y, UltraListViewItem).Text)
                End Try
                ' Determine whether the sort order is descending.
                If order = SortOrder.Descending Then
                    ' Invert the value returned by String.Compare.
                    returnVal *= -1
                End If
                Return returnVal
            End Function
        End Class