When I change the date by clicking in the MonthCalendar, it takes the time to 12:00 (time 0, as it is assigning a brand new datetime). I want to update only the date part of the DateTime, and keep the same time I use to have.
Why not using UltraDateTimeEditor then?
Because it is very uncomfortable to edit, you have to type the entire Date and Time to be valid and it doesn’t Apply when pressing Enter key.
You have to incorporate the time into the DateTime value that you assign to the control's Value property:
DateTime dateToSet = new DateTime(2008, 1, 1);
if ( this.ultraCalendarCombo1.Value is DateTime ){ DateTime currentValue = (DateTime)this.ultraCalendarCombo1.Value; DateTime newValue = dateToSet.Date; newValue = newValue.Add( currentValue.TimeOfDay ); this.ultraCalendarCombo1.Value = newValue;}else this.ultraCalendarCombo1.Value = dateToSet;