Hi All,
i'm working on EF basic CRUD with EF6 and wingrid. i'm following this article and it works pretty well except for hitting a snag at adding new rows to the grid.
i am using an observablecollection as mentioned, but when i click the add button on the bottom of the grid i get "Unable to add a row:" underlying datasource does not support adding new rows. i'm pretty sure observablecollection does allow that. i've enabled adding rows feature. i don't have a seperate button like the example does.
my expectation is to see an empty row, fill in information, and after_gridupdate add the row to the underlying datasource. what am i missing...Mike :) ?
nevermind. found it.
BindingList<APP_PROPERTIES> props = new BindingList<APP_PROPERTIES>(MyObservableCollection);