Can somebody post the sequence of how events are fired on Ultrawingrid at both the rows and cell level. I am trying highlight the value in a cell, whenever user tries to edit the value in that cell. I am not able to highlight it and also once the key is pressed control exits the cell.
Thank you
There's no way we could post a specific sequence of events. There are too many factors involved in determining which events fire and in what order. Under what particular circumstances are you interested in? And what, exactly, are you trying to achieve?
Hello Mike,
I am trying to edit a cell that has 0.00 value in it by default, If the user enters a value greater than 100.00 they should be prompted with an error message that the cell cannot accept a value greater than 100, at the same time it should be highlighted and the value should be defaulted to 0.00.
In my case when I enter 490, it prompts me with the error message and the value is not highlighted and cell has 49.00 as the value in it instead of 0.00 value in it.
I am trying to do this before the cell is updated i.e in beforecellupdate event, I have attached sample code, please take a look and let me know where I can fix this.
Thank you so much!
the value in the success flag is always false as it is not able to get the edited value in cell, any ideas appreciated
Text returns the actual edited Text that is in the cell. So the only way it would return false is if the user types something into the cell that cannot be parsed into a valid decimal value. I assumed you were using decimal because that's what your code sample was doing.
What's the ActiveCell.Text in this case? Did you type something into the cell?
please have a look at the value of ActiveCell.Text exactly what I got
Okay, it's probably because of the underscores. You have a mask applied to the cell. So that's easy to fix. You just need to get the raw text from the editor, instead of using the cell's text.
string cellText = ((EditorWithMask)grid.ActiveCell.EditorResolved).GetText(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.MaskMode.Raw);bool success = decimal.TryParse(cellText, out cellValue);
there should be some way to learn about all these features, is it documented any where...for example features like will be easy for the newbies like me who just started using infragistic controls...Thank you!