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Ultrawingrid checkbox column - how to multiselect the rows on ultrawingrid

Can anyone please look into the code below and let me know how to enable multiple checkboxes checked and include those rows in grd.selected.rows to loop through the selected rows.


private void grdPayVis_InitializeLayout(object sender,InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)   {var gridBand = grdPayVis.DisplayLayout.Bands[0];    

 if(!gridBand.Columns.Exists("Select"))     gridBand.Columns.Add("Select", "Select"); gridBand.Columns["Select"].Header.VisiblePosition = 0; gridBand.Columns["Select"].Hidden = false; gridBand.Columns["Select"].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.CheckBox; gridBand.Columns["Select"].AutoSizeMode = ColumnAutoSizeMode.AllRowsInBand; gridBand.Columns["Select"].CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Edit; }

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