I want to increase the height of the dropdownresizehandle a little more but I am unable to find a property to do so. Please guide.
DropDownEditorButton button = new DropDownEditorButton(); customDropDown = new CustomPopUp(); //UserControl button.Control = customDropDown; button.DropDownResizeHandleStyle = Infragistics.Win.DropDownResizeHandleStyle.DiagonalResize; button.DropDownResizeHandleAppearance.BackColor = Color.Gray; button.DropDownResizeHandleAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.None;
Hello Priyam,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
Right now DropdownEditorButton does not supports changing the size of the dropdown resize handle. Please note, you can suggest this as a new product idea for future versions at http://ideas.infragistics.com.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.