I added editor button to the wincombo control. I want to click editor button from code. Is it possible?
You don't have to simulate a click on the button. Put the code that is executed in the event handler method of the Click event in a separate method, named PerformTheActionsAsTheButtonWasClicked, and call that method from your code and from the event handler method, like PerformTheActionsAsTheButtonWasClicked().
The problem is to simulate what infragistic does internally. I assigned a tree to an editorbutton( DropDownEditorButton.Control = new UltraTree()) . When the user clicks editorbutton a tree drops down. I want this happen also when the user presses F9 key. To do this I did the following:
Private Shadows Sub KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ystem.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
If e.KeyCode = Windows.Forms.Keys.F9 Then
ctlWinComboEditor.DroppedDown = True
End If
End Sub
Altough I set Treeform to True when the user presses F9 a list drops down. I want a tree drop down like when the user clicks editorbutton. That is why i am chasing programmatically clicking editor button. I want what wincombo does internally when user clicks editor button ( a tree drops down) happen again when the user presses F9. Thanks in advance Emanuel.
The DroppedDown property on the ComboEditor just affects the built-in list. It will not work on an editor button. What you need to do is call the DropDown method on the DropDownEditorButton itself.
Dropdown method works :) Thanks.