I have several grid, stacked on ne another. I want certain attributes to remain in synch with the other. For example, if I create a new Col Scroll Region, I want the other grids to have the same a new Col Scroll Region as well.
In the handler for the event, is there a way I can tell the other grids to perform the same action as was done on the first grid? So, in the above example, can I tell the other grids "perform user action" i.e. drag the "splitter" on the two grids to open a new Col Scroll Region.
Well, if you are asking if there is some generic way to tell one grid to perform the same action that another grid did, then the answer is no.
You can, of course, handle the events of one grid and programmatically change another grid to be the same. For example, when a ColScrollRegion is created, you can call the split method on the ColScrollRegion in the second grid and create a split that is the same size.