is it possible to automatically adapt the column width to the width of the summary value adhering to this column? Often the value of the summary does not fit within the visible area of the cell and an ellipsis is shown. But I always want to show the summary value in full length.
Any ideas? Thanks al lot!
Have you tried the PerformAutoSize method on the column? I'm not sure if it takes summaries into account. If not, try the CalculatedAutoSizeWidth method of the column. This method is basically like PerformAutoSize, but it has more options and doesn't actually set the Width on the column, it just returns it. So maybe it has an option to include summaries.
If that doesn't so it, I don't think there is a way. In which case, you should Submit a feature request to Infragistics
Did you try to set the ColumnAutoSizeMode?
Did you try to catch the ultraGrid_SummaryValueChanged event and set the ColumnAutoSizeMode?
Different ColumnAutoSizeModes: