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XamDataGrid Bind to SummaryResults

I'd like to display the sums of several fields in some Label UIElements, separate from the grid. I discovered that I can programmatically enable the sum calculation for the fields I need and bind my Label's Content to the SummaryResults, like so:

<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Foreground="Blue" FontSize="9" Content="{Binding ElementName=DataGrid, Path=Records.SummaryResults[5].Value, Mode=OneWay}"/>

However there are a couple of issues. Ideally I would not show the summary row at all since it's a redundant display, but setting SummaryDisplayArea="None" results in the summary values never getting calculated - my Labels just remain blank. To compromise I thought I'd try "Bottom" so it would be less obtrusive, but then I realized that when the grid starts filling in and the summary row gets pushed below the visible vertical area my labels stop updating.

Is there a way to get either my ideal setup of a hidden summary row, or at least one that's not pinned to the top of the grid, but still pull from the SummaryResults collection for my bindings? Thanks.