Do you have any examples (in C#) of placing charts inside a grid? I was thinking of using a single row dsh grid and placing different pre determined charts inside the cells , but I was wondering if it's better to use a grid for this purpose or flow layout. In your samples app that shows samples of Charts, grids etc, there is a row on top of the Chart samples that scrolls and when you touch one of the cells it opens that chart. Are those images or actual charts that are being used? and is that a single row dsh or a single row flow layout.
thanks for all the code it was helpful. I took your example you gave made placing charts in a grid and modified it to fit what I'm doing.
Now i am trying to get the cell reordering sample to work in C#. I'm trying to get it to work with the chart column, but cannot even get the column to display. Then I tried it with image columns in C#(like in the objectiveC sample) and could not get that either. I'd like to have a sample of cell reordering in C#. what I'm trying to do is put different charts inside a grid and be able to reorder the single cells.
Appreciate any help you can give.
One of our other developers mentioned that he converted this sample before. The original sample and discussion can be found here:
Since that was written in 2013, Xamarin has under gone a few changes, so I updated the sample, and that is attached to this.
the one I was talking about is the igGridPhotoViewer
The samples are provided in the install \\Developer\Infragitistics\<version>\Samples. They are only provided in Obj-C. If there is a particular part of code that you would like to be translated that can be done, but there isn't a full blown C# translation to my knowledge.
Hi Darrell,
Thanks very much, I started going in that direction after sending my latest post and thinking about it a bit more. This is very helpful.
I have one other question. Is the code from the samples, specifically the grid sample which shows the view of the Golden Gate bridge, translated into C# or can it be translated into C#? Knowing how to implement some of the concepts in that would be helpful.