1st bug.
I've had to implement this code to stop the selectedView from appearing when a cell is dequeued.
NSArray *selectedRows = self.grid.pathForSelectedRow != nil ? [self.grid pathsForSelectedRows] : @[];
BOOL isSelected = NO;
if(selectedRows.count > 0)
isSelected = [selectedRows containsObject:[IGRowPath pathForRow:path.rowIndex inSection:path.sectionIndex]];
if(cell.selectedView.superview != nil && !isSelected) // IG bug
[cell.selectedView removeFromSuperview];
2nd bug.
Look closely at the first bug. I'm having to use pathForSelectedRow because pathsForSelectedRows crashes internally when no paths are selected (or maybe when allows selection is NO).
Hey Caylan,
1. Yea thats definitely a bug, we're blindly putting the selectedCell into an array when not using multiple selection. And if nothing is selected... well then i'm creating an array with a nil object, which is bad. That'll be fixed in the next SR.
2. We remove the selectedView in cellDetached on the cell. If you're overriding cellDetached, just make sure you call super.