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Nice-to-have Functionality

I fully embraced IGGridView in my latest project. No more UITableView. There are a few UITableView features I miss...

1) Get IGGridViewCell selection state from the cell itself. Each cell should have a "selected" property, possibly read only if it's selection is fully managed by the grid.

2) An easy way to select multiple cells: e.g. IGGridView selectRowsAtPaths:...

3) One kind of path. IGCellPath and IGRowPath are an inconvenience. There are a few ways to make this less of a pain. I'm constantly writing helper methods to give me a rowPath for a cellPath and vice versa. Perhaps you could create translator methods on IGRowPath: -(IGCellPath)cellPathWithColumn:(NSInteger)column and the inverse on IGCellPath: -(IGRowPath)rowPath. Looking at the classes, since IGCellPath subclasses IGRowPath, I could probably get away with using one in place of the other 50% of the time. But hey, 50% is what makes my brain hurt.

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    Hey Caylan, 

    Thats awesome that you've embraced the IGGridView!

    1. Sure, we can expose such a property. We can also provide you with methods that you can override to apply styling for when you're selected/not selected.  You can technically do the latter now, however we didn't publicly declare the API, so you'd just have to know the method to override. 

    2. Again, thats not a problem. 

    3. We're pretty much locked into this API. We definitely could provide convenience methods for converting a RowPath to a CellPath. It's not necessary the other way around, b/c all cell paths are row paths. 

    Thanks for the feedback!
