Im currently working on a feature to drag and drop items from a UITableView into a IGCalendarView.
Once i end the drag gesture i need to figure out what day the item was dropped on in my month view calendar. When i end the gesture i can work out the view that the item is dropped on but from there i need to associate that view with a calendar day.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Thanks, that did the trick!
Hey Matt,
In c# it would look something like:
UIView multiMonthView = (UIView)calView.ValueForKey (new NSString("_monthView")); PointF point = gesture.LocationInView(calView); IntPtr dateInfoPtr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_PointF(multiMonthView.Handle, new Selector(new NSString ("resolveDateForPoint:")).Handle,point); if(dateInfoPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr datePtr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr(dateInfoPtr, new Selector(new NSString ("resolveActualDateObject:")).Handle, calView.Handle); NSDate date = new NSDate(datePtr); }
Note, i added the following Using statement at the top of the file: using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
Hope this helps,
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the quick reply!
How would i write this in c# using Xamarin?
Hi Matt,
We don't currently offer any public API's to do this. However, it's still actually possible.
Here is the code to do it:
CGPoint point = [gesture locationInView:_cal];
UIView* multiMonthView = [_cal valueForKey:@"_monthView"];
id dateInfo = objc_msgSend(multiMonthView, @selector(resolveDateForPoint:),point);
if(dateInfo != nil)
NSDate* date = objc_msgSend(dateInfo, @selector(resolveActualDateObject:), _cal);
NSLog(@"%@", date);
Hope this helps!