Hello again,
1. In my sample i had to add some dummy columns (lightgray with black stroke) to the chart. is there a way to hide (no rendering) specific columns in an waterfall chart or set the column wide to 0 for these columns.
2. Only each second xaxis label appears.
3. It is possible to multiline axis labels when xAxis.LabelOrientationAngle = 0
Thanks Johann
Hello Johann,
Thank you for your response.
The IGChartView does not currently have this functionality. I recommend submitting this as a new product idea at http://ideas.infragistics.com so other users can vote on it and our product management team can see that it's a feature our customers want.
Sorry Dave...
look at this:
I tried to do it with a CandleStickChart. It works, but i need to set the color individual for each column. In Waterfall it works with
waterfallSeries.IsCustomCategoryStyleAllowed = true;
and handled it in the delegate
public override void RenderHighlight(IGChartView chartView, IGSeries series, IGAssigningCategoryStyleEventArgs args)
if (series.Key == "WaterfallSeries")
args.Fill = new IGBrush(UIColor.Blue);
Is there a way to colorize in IGFinancialPriceSeries.
Hi Max,
thanks for helping.
The blue columns are additional and showing only an intermediate result. That's the reason why i add the gray ones with the same value. So the next green ones start at the position where the column before the blue ends. The break in the waterfall is intended. If there is no way to cut out the gray columns i have to use another chart type.
Hi Johann,
Are you trying to render blank space instead of the gray columns? It looks from your image that you're using a highlight layer for some of the columns, like the gray one. You can simply apply a clear brush/stroke to the columns you don't want to show. This will, however, reserve a space where the column used to be. There's no way to get around it, as removing that space will break the waterfall continuity. The next column always has to start at the value of the previous column.
If you want to show all labels on the x axis, set xAxis.Interval = 1. By default, the interval is automatically calculated and certain labels get omitted to prevent cluttering.
The chart does not support multiline axis labels at the moment