I have a chart with two y-axes, one on each side. The titles for both y-axes show up on the left side of the axis - this makes sense for the left axis, but not the right one, since it puts the title on the inside of the chart.
How can I move the location of the title on the right-side y-axis to the right of the labels (outside the chart)?
Thanks, that worked.
Swift answer:
guard let internalAxis = y2Axis.perform(NSSelectorFromString("getAxisRef")).takeUnretainedValue() as? NSObject else {
guard let titleSettings = internalAxis.perform(NSSelectorFromString("titleSettings")).takeUnretainedValue() as? NSObject else {
titleSettings.setValue(2, forKey: "position")
Looks like the public property to set the title location is missing from the chart. We'll add that in.In the meantime you can do this:
NSObject *internalAxis = [y2Axis performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"getAxisRef")];
NSObject *titleSettings = [internalAxis performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"titleSettings")];
[titleSettings setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:@"position"]; //2 is the enum value for Right