I have a grid that scrolls horizontally and each column represent a day and row is a type. I use multiple IGGridViewCell based classes to achive that. The datasourcehelper CreateCell decides based on a row what class to use. ALl works great.
Now I want to replace my old implementation of editable cells with built-in feature that is available based on ColumDefinitions, but I am a little puzzled on how to do that using IGGridViewColumnDefinition since I do not have columns (it is just cell path that is being used to lookup the value while the grid is scrolled horizontally).
Am I confused for a reason or I am missing something?
Thank you
it is not null.
by hitting keyboard dismiss buton on a keyboard and then scrolling right or left fast 50% of the time the next single click is not taking cell into edit mode and sometimes I need to click 5 times (dbl clicking at at time) to get cell into edit mode. weird behaviors. on attached video you can see that very quickly i get stuck on P8 cell. clicking may be 10 times at various points before getting cell into edit mode
Thank you.
Hey Mark,
Sorry for the delay!
I wasn't able to reproduce that exact issue in your video. I did get a crash though in some cases. And thats related to the fact that we're not setting the _edtiCell to null in one case:
public override void DidEndDisplayingCell(IGGridView gridView, IGGridViewCell cell, IGCellPath path) { if (cell == _editCell) { IGCellPath normPath = this.NormalizePath(cell.Path); var colDef = this.ColumnDefinitions.GetItem<NSObject>(normPath.RowIndex) as IGGridViewColumnDefinition; colDef.RemoveEditor(cell.GridView, cell.Path, this, false, false); _editCell = null; } }
Adding that should avoid the crash. Perhaps thats related to the issue you're running into. However, i'm not sure why it wouldn't just be crashing for you then.
by no means i want to rush you, just was wondering if you were able to see the recording and reproduce on your side the behavior I am seeing
thank you
yeah, it is inconsistent. Happening after FAST scroll most of the time.
I recorded the video using Jing (great free software) , if you see me staying on some cell for a few seconds and nothing changing - it's me trying to click w/o success.
To view just drop unzipped file into Chrome browser.
I tried exactly what you said with the sample you attached. However, its working. in Step 6, the PT8 cell is going into edit mode, without me scrolling. I just display the editor in PT9, close the keyboard, and the click PT8.