I don't know if this comment belongs in this forum, but there doesn't seem to be a forum specifically for IGSideMenuView.
Anyway, we have IG framework 2014.2.146, which includes a control called IGSideMenuView, but you'd never know it unless you happened to download the Nuclios App for the iPad and find it there.
There seems to be no documentation for IGSideMenuView anywhere in the infragistics online documentation for IG 2014.
I did however find documentation for it in the 2015 collection.
Hey David,
Its there :
Thanks Steve, but now I'm really curious.
How did you find those links, because they aren't on your documentation page...
Hey Dave,
Yea you're right!
I was on my phone so i had just clicked 2015.2 and changed the url to point to 2014.2
We'll get the 2014.2 help back online.
But it's worth noting that the 15.1 and 15.2 will have all the documentation from 14.2 as well.
Thanks for reporting this!