Hi Team,
We are migrating from Infragistics 12.2 to 14.1. We have observed that there is discrepancy in the column widths in IE 11. The headers are misaligned with the data.
The width of the column header is not in sync with the width of the column in IE 11 whereas the display of columns is as expected in IE 9.
Could you please suggest a solution for this issue.
Hello Ahmed,
It is likely there are other changes in the CSS that you are missing. Were you able to find the CSS files in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\2014.2\ASP.NET\StyleLibraries?
Would you be able to send me your copy of ig_dataGrid.css which I could use to compare to the file I'm using?
Making border-collapse:separate !important; in .ig_ClaymationControl table property in ig_dataGrid.css file.
But got one other issue,
When I make the column as hidden in the code behind, the column is visible in the screen. I tried even making the width of the column as 0px. Even then it is not working. Please find the screen shot below.
The forums don't allow me to do that but I'll create a private case for this and attempt to send them through there.
Hi Jason,
We couldnt open .ZIP extension files, could you please rename the .zip extension to something like .abc and share.
You should be able to find the style libraries in the following install path:
Also, the attachment in my previous update has the complete Claymation style included in its ig_res folder if you would rather just pull it from my sample. Please let me know if this resolves the styling issue for your application.