I cannot get the filesystem scenario working as described in the knowledgebase.
I keep getting the following error: "/chart_images' is not a valid virtual path.
What am I doing wrong. ?
UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.Scenario = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ImageDeploymentScenario.FileSystem
UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.FilePath = "/chart_images"
UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = "/chart_images/2d_barchart_#SEQNUM(500).jpg"
I have followed article Knowledge Base Article: KB09850 to no avail
Hi Teodor,
thanks. That works if the "chart_images" folder is in the same location as the page displaying the chart image.
But I want to have one folder called "chart_images" in the root of the application to hold all chart images. The following code I would expect to work but it does not. How do I achieve this result?
UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.FilePath = "'http://localhost:2612/myapplication/chart_images"
UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = "'http://localhost:2612/myapplication/chart_images/2d_barchart_#SEQNUM(500).jpg"
You can try:
this.UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = "chart_images/2d_barchart_#SEQNUM(500).jpg";