Hi Team,
Unable to get correct format Time (HH:mm) value in WebDateTimeEditor control in JavaScript.Time format showing like(|0|012015-4-8-14-12-32-789||) but I need (HH:mm) format.
Please let me know how to achieve this
Code File :
<ig:WebDateTimeEditor ID="startTime" Width="40px" CssClass="tableElement" runat="server"
EditModeFormat="HH:mm" ClientIDMode="Static">
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" CssClass="ButtonText" Text="Calculate" EnableViewState="false"/>
Ranganathan Palanisamy
Thank you for sharing your solution with the other community members. Let me just add that you can achieve the same display mdoe using this configuration:
<ig:WebDateTimeEditor ID="WebDateTimeEditor1" runat="server" DisplayModeFormat="t" EditModeFormat="t" OnValueChanged="WebDateTimeEditor1_ValueChanged"> </ig:WebDateTimeEditor>
Please let me know if you have further questions on the matter.
Thanks I found Answers
var stime = $find("wdtLUSt");
var stimeValue = stime.get_value();
var stValue = stimeValue.getHours() + ":" + stimeValue.getMinutes();