Hi, I have a web datagrid displaying some clinical data. It is strictly read-only. The last column of this grid should be of type dropdown for me, where I have some set of values repeating for each row. And, based on the selection of any of these values, I need to perform different actions. Now, is it possible in webdatagrid, to have a dropdown column for a readonly grid? Quick answer would be much appriciated, since if this is not possible, I need to look for some other options.
Hello Kuoshkin,
You can use ItemTemplate to place whatever control you want inside the grid column. More details on how to implement ItemTemplate can be found at http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/ASPNET/2014.2/CLR4.0/html/WebDataGrid_Using_Item_Template.html
I'm just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this issue. If so please let me know.