<ig:DropDownProvider ID="UOM_DropDownProvider"> <EditorControl DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px" EnableAnimations="False" ID="EditorControl" runat="server" EnableDropDownAsChild="False" DropDownContainerWidth="150px"> <Items> <ig:DropDownItem Key="Kgs" Text="Kgs" Value="1"> </ig:DropDownItem> <ig:DropDownItem Key="Liters" Text="Lts" Value="2"> </ig:DropDownItem> <ig:DropDownItem Key="Meeters" Text="Mtls" Value="3"> </ig:DropDownItem> </Items> </EditorControl> </ig:DropDownProvider>
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ItemPriority" Key="ItemPriorityKey" Width="7%"> <Header Text="Priority" /> </ig:BoundDataField>
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="RemarksTooltip" Key="RemarksKey"> <Header Text="Remarks" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:UnboundCheckBoxField Key="testKey" HeaderCheckBoxMode="BiState" HeaderChecked="true" /> <ig:TemplateDataField Key="ViewKey" Header-Text="View"> <ItemTemplate > <div id="javawwwww" style="width: 99%; float: left"> <asp:LinkButton CssClass="editDoc-button" OnClick="BtnPRItemViewDoc_Click" TabIndex="112" Visible='<%#Eval("HasDoc")%>' ToolTip="Click to view documents" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("Id")%>' runat="server"></asp:LinkButton> </div> </ItemTemplate> </ig:TemplateDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Id" Key="Id" Hidden="true"> </ig:BoundDataField> </Columns>
<ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ItemPriorityKey" EditorID="WebDataGrid1_DropDownProvider1" ReadOnly="False" /> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="RemarksKey" ReadOnly="True" /> </ColumnSettings>
on 'edit any field and post back' above code trigger following error :(
Multiple controls with the same ID 'it11_0' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.
if i don't use any TemplateDataField it working fine
any workaround for solving this issue?
issue still exist
" Anyway, this behaviors is fixed in 12.1 so I suggest that you upgrade to the latest Service release of 12.1 volume which is 12.1.20121.2260. The download is available in Infragistics website under My account --> My Keys & Downloads. "
In reality its not available.
according to the online chat " Milko Venkov: i am checking it right now and it is not a public build and i cannot give you a link for it as there is no such link "
also try version 12.2 :(
please suggest a working solution.
Thanks And Regards
Vishnu prasad nb
I am just following up to see if upgrading to the latest service release fixed your issue. Please let me know.
Hello Vishnu,
I took the time to further investigate this issue. It turned out that your assumption of this to be a wrong behavior is right.
Anyway, this behaviors is fixed in 12.1 so I suggest that you upgrade to the latest Service release of 12.1 volume which is 12.1.20121.2260. The download is available in Infragistics website under My account --> My Keys & Downloads.
Please upgrade and let me know if you have further questions on the matter afterwards.
Best Regards,Hristo AnastasovAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics, Inc.
Hell Vishnu, Thank you for your feedback. I will be able to further look into this issue on Monday, 30 March and will update you with my findings.
i am sorry..... its not a good solution. grid not get updated with the bind list. i think its a bug.