Hi Team,
Need help..
I have a webdrop down setup as multim column dropdown.
In order to show multi column, I have placed a web datagrid inside Item template of WebDropdown and halding the row selection change via client side event.
My requirement is to load another dropdown (from server side) based on the selection of row from 1st dropdown.
That is : Dropdown 1: -> item template--> web data grid
Selection of row, call post back to server and populate another drop down based on selected value
How can I post back on the row selection changed inside item template of web dropdown
Pasted the codeblock in next text area..
<ig:WebDropDown ID="wcLocations" OnSelectionChanged="wcLocations_SelectionChanged" runat="server" Width="200px" AutoPostBackFlags-SelectionChanged="On" DropDownContainerWidth="230px" > <Items> <ig:DropDownItem ></ig:DropDownItem> </Items> <ItemTemplate> <ig:WebDataGrid ID="wdgLocations" runat="server" Width="190px" AutoGenerateColumns="false" OnInitializeRow="wdgLocations_InitializeRow" > <Columns> <ig:BoundDataField Key="LocationID" DataFieldName="LocationID" Hidden="true"></ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField Key="LongName" DataFieldName="LongName" Header-Text="Location"></ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField Key="DEFAULTBASIS" DataFieldName="DEFAULTBASIS" Hidden="true"></ig:BoundDataField> </Columns> <Behaviors> <ig:Selection RowSelectType="Single" Enabled="True" CellClickAction="Row" > <SelectionClientEvents RowSelectionChanged="wdgLocations_RowSelectionChanged" /> </ig:Selection> </Behaviors> </ig:WebDataGrid>
<ClientEvents SelectionChanging="wcLocations_ValueChanging" /> </ig:WebDropDown>
Please suggest
In general you could cause an immediate PostBack when you select a grid row if you set AutoPostBackFlags to RowSelectionChanged for example like:
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="true" Width="100%"
EnableDataViewState="true" OnInit="WebDataGrid1_Init">
<ig:Selection RowSelectType="Single" Enabled="True" CellClickAction="Row">
<SelectionClientEvents RowSelectionChanged="rowSelChange" />
<AutoPostBackFlags RowSelectionChanged="true" />
I believe you may also benefit from the following additional resources:http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/95142.aspx
In order to obtain the posting back control, I suggest you to take a look a t the following resource: Finding controls in item template on infragistics webdropdown in code behind
Hi Ivaylo,
I follow your suggestion but it's still not postedback to server side event of WebDropDown. Could you please suggest more solution?