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multi-column dropdown

We have checked Sample Code provided by you (Infragistics team )does not mention about any specific control for multicolumn combo,


a) Is there any specific control for Multi Column Combo instead of template use?

b) We are trying to use the solution provided by Infragistics team but we are facing some problems

  1. updating the selected value from the combo to multiple column of grid.

    Ex. Material No and Material Name display in drop down combo.

  When We select Material No then corresponding Material name should be assign to another column of Grid.

Ex. select Material No -"00000001" then "GMCSMATERIAL" should be assign in Next column. (see the attached file for your reference)

2. When a records is selected(click) on dropdown value in multi combo then combo should be fade out(invisible).

3. How can we use function key to open drop combo inside grid.

Ex. If I press F1 then Combo will visible to user.


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