Hi,I've made adding records by this solution: http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/69109.aspxEvent RowEditing_TemplateClosing is firing every time, when I click: "Ok", "Cancel" or anywhere on grid. After that I function _RowAdding from behind code adding datata to database.I want to cancel event in all cases except button "Ok". How can I do it? I don't know how to recognise source of event.Can you tell me how to solve it?
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
I think I met your requirement about the enter key, the same can be done for the escape key as it's really not that complex like "Enter", you would have to add an else if and run whatever code you want or just call ExitEditMode(false) on the RET.
For the Activation can you please try to be more specific as I am not sure if you want to have the template open at all times or what?
There is another problem: when I'm using Activation property (because I want to use Excel navigation by arrows) popup window is closing.
I tried with SelectionClientEvents but still nothing:
<ig:Selection RowSelectType="Single" CellClickAction="Row"> <SelectionClientEvents RowSelectionChanging="WebDataGridProductGroups_Selection_CellSelectionChanging"></SelectionClientEvents></ig:Selection>
Any help?
Thanks for code - now it's working. But I still have one problem: when window for adding new record is open, I can't use ESC (for close it) and Enter (for submit).
Can you give me some advice?
Hi T T,
You can check if the cancel button has been clicked, and I am attaching a sample showing this.
Please let me know if it suits your needs.