I'm implementing dropdown list defaulting based on selection while editing/adding a row on a webdatagrid. I have the events firing for selected index changed and data bound, but can't seem to set the selected index, i've tried
ddlUnitID.EditorControl.Items[2].Selected = true; ddlUnitID.EditorControl.SelectedValue = ddlUnitID.EditorControl.Items[2].Value; ddlUnitID.EditorControl.SelectedItemIndex = 2;
all seem to not select the item in the dropdopdown on the editing row. I've tried this both on selection changed and ondatabound.
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnRowUpdating="WebDataGrid1_RowUpdating" AutoGenerateBands="true" ViewStateMode="Disabled" DataKeyFields="ID" Width="98%" OnRowAdded="WebDataGrid1_RowAdded" OnRowAdding="WebDataGrid1_RowAdding" OnRowsDeleting="WebDataGrid1_RowDeleting" > <Columns> <ig:BoundDataField Hidden="true" DataFieldName="ID" Key="ID" > <Header Text="ID" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Ordinal" Key="Ordinal"> <Header Text="Process No." /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="MaterialID" Key="Material"> <Header Text="Material" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="QTY" Key="GROSS"> <Header Text="Quantity" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="UnitQTYID" Key="UOM"> <Header Text="Unit" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="UnitQTY" Key="COUNT"> <Header Text="Weight" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="UnitID" Key="WUOM"> <Header Text="Weight Unit" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Comments" Key="NET"> <Header Text="Comments" /> </ig:BoundDataField> <ig:TemplateDataField Key="DeleteItem" Width="60px"> <Header Text="Delete" /> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="DeleteItem" Text="X" OnClientClick="DeleteRow(); return false;" /> </ItemTemplate> </ig:TemplateDataField> </Columns> <EditorProviders> <ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlMaterialID"> <EditorControl ID="ddlMatID" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDown" TextField="NAME" OnSelectionChanged="ddlMatID_SelectionChanged" ValueField="ID" DataSourceID="srcMaterial" AutoPostBackFlags-SelectionChanged="Async"> </EditorControl> </ig:DropDownProvider> <ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlUnitID"> <EditorControl ID="ddlUnID" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDown" TextField="UNIT_NAME" ValueField="ID" DataSourceID="srcUnit" OnDataBound="ddlUnitID_DataBound"> </EditorControl> </ig:DropDownProvider> <ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlWUnitID" > <EditorControl ID="ddlWUnID" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDown" TextField="UNIT_NAME" ValueField="ID" DataSourceID="srcWUnit"> </EditorControl> </ig:DropDownProvider> <ig:NumericEditorProvider ID="txtUOM"> </ig:NumericEditorProvider> <ig:NumericEditorProvider ID="txtQuantity"> </ig:NumericEditorProvider> </EditorProviders> <Behaviors> <ig:Activation /> <ig:Selection RowSelectType="Multiple" CellClickAction="Row" /> <ig:Sorting SortingMode="Single" Enabled="true" /> <ig:ColumnMoving> </ig:ColumnMoving> <ig:ColumnResizing> </ig:ColumnResizing> <ig:EditingCore> <Behaviors> <ig:CellEditing Enabled="true"> <EditModeActions EnableF2="true" EnableOnActive="true" MouseClick="Single" /> <ColumnSettings> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ID" ReadOnly="true" /> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="Material" EditorID="ddlMaterialID" /> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="COUNT" EditorID="txtQuantity" /> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="UOM" EditorID="ddlUnitID" /> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="WUOM" EditorID="ddlWUnitID" /> </ColumnSettings> </ig:CellEditing> <ig:RowAdding Alignment="Bottom" EditModeActions-EnableOnActive="true" EditModeActions-MouseClick="Single" Enabled="true" > <AddNewRowClientEvents ExitedEditMode="WebDataGridView_ExitedEditMode" /> <ColumnSettings> <ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ID" ReadOnly="true" /> <ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="Material" EditorID="ddlMaterialID" /> <ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="COUNT" EditorID="txtQuantity" /> <ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="UOM" EditorID="ddlUnitID" /> <ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="WUOM" EditorID="ddlWUnitID" /> </ColumnSettings> </ig:RowAdding> <ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" /> </Behaviors> </ig:EditingCore> </Behaviors> <ClientEvents AJAXResponse="WebDataGridView_AJAXResponse" /> </ig:WebDataGrid>
Using 2013.2 ASP.net and C#.Thanks
Hello Mark,
Please review the following forum thread for autocomplete for Visual studio 2012.
May I be of any further assitance?
Great tips, Thanks, to you and Stride.
Also, I was wondering, should I be able to get Intellisense for the Infragistics CSOM in the VS 2012 code editor? I thought I might be missing a setting or script that would enable it. I am getting it for .NET, DOM, etc.
Thanks again!
You can use Firebug for Firefox to get the documentation. Run your project and put a breakpoint inside your function and open Firebug using F12 key.
Once you hit the breakpoint you will get an autocomplete.
Type the function you wont to view documentation for. For instance get_columns. And then go and click on function().
And now you can review get_columns documentation.
Hey Mark
I was having trouble finding documentation also. You can try setting the cell to a var and putting a breakpoint there in the browser (i used FF), then in the console type out the var's name and a period, and it'll list out the available functions.
Thanks, this archive works, but I still need a little help. Where can I find additional documentation for the CSOM for the WebDataGrid? The existing docs for the CellEditing class does not show any of the editing events or the properties for the eventArgs parameter.