Hey All,
I have an issue where the Webcaptcha value property changes each time an update panel is used on the page. the Webcaptcha control is not inside of the update panel. The code running inside the update panel does not reference the Webcaptcha control at all.
Here is what I have found:
That workaround should work as well.
Let us know if we may be of further assistance.
Thanks! I figured so much because I could see the page load event run every time that the update panel was activated. I found sort of a work around by grabbing what the code was when the page loaded and saving that so I could use it to compare when the Captcha button was pressed.
The behavior you are seeing is expected because the WebCaptcha is expected to change the value on every post back and the asynchronous call back from the UpdatePanel is still a post to the page and since the WebCaptcha has no way to know that it will not be updated on the client since the UpdatePanel ignores everything outside of itself, the updated value isn't reflected on the client.
Since you are already using an UpdatePanel, the simplest solution may be to put the WebCaptcha in a second UpdatePanel and set that UpdatePanel's UpdateMode property to Always so that it will update that portion of the page event when the content of the other UpdatePanel is updated.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
Thanks Troy.
This project uses Infragistics version 11.2. The specific version number of the Infragitics4.Web.V11.2 I am using is 11.2.20112.2086.
If upgrading the project to the latest version of Infragistics will fix the issue I am seeing I will be willing to do that. Just didn't want to take the time.
Hi Kevin,
Can you provide me with the Infragistics product version and assembly build release that you are seeing this issue occur. Thanks!