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DropDownList does not close after update the UpdatePanel


I have a WebDataGrid in an UpdatePanel, the WebDataGrid countains a WebDropDown with the "AutoPostBackFlags.ValueChanged" attribute set to "On". The problem is that when I change the value of the WebDropDown using the direction buttons of the keyboard, the UpdatePanel is updated but the WebDropDown still open.

  • 10685
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello and welcome to the community, 


    In general, it seems the DropDown never gets a blur event and remains opened, awaiting for the next selection. What is happening if you hit the enter key after the selection is completed? Are you expecting to close the DropDown on every selection changed, when using the keyboard arrows? It seems not very user friendly.


    However, if you are interested in manual closing the WebDropDown, it could be achieved in a couple of ways. For this issue I suggest take a look at the following forum threads where similar issues are discussed, or you could optionally use jQuery and focusout on the drop down container. 




    Some additional information:
    Please make sure  EnableClosingDropDownOnBlur="true", More details here   EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="true" , More details here

    In case you are using EnableAnimations="False", you may find the following useful:

    If the issue persists, could you please specify a little bit more details regarding what is the exact product version you are using? Also is this occurring under a specific browser, or it is observed across major browsers? A runnable code sample reproducing this will be appreciated, in order to be sure we are discussing the same issue and further test/debug it.

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