Hello everyone -
I am experiencing a problem with the image viewer on Mac os x in the Firefox browser. There are two images in the viewer and when you click to see the other image nothing happens. In IE 6.0 the control works correctly. Has anyone else seen this problem?
To reproduce:
Create two gauge controls on a page with an image viewer. Set the Gauges to create only one image per control, using file system deployment, with nomenclature that ties each image to the respective gauge control, something like Gauge1.#EXT and Guage2.#EXT. Set the gauge controls style properties: Visibility to Hidden
style="visibility: hidden"
Bind the two created gauge images to the image viewer and set the scroll animations type to NextItem.
Also, Make the size of the gauge images 250 x 250 along with the image viewer.
This should result in a gauge viewer that scrolls horizontally through generate gauge images.
Finally, enable the use of the "pear" style set from appstylist.
Run the application in ie... no problem
Run the application on a max with os x in the Firefox browser: Scrolling between images does not work. The control only displays the first image.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Update: It seems that it is a problem with the app style Pear! RubberBlack works in Firefox.....
I just discovered a workaround fix to get the navigation buttons working in Firefox. Set the WrapAround property of the WebImageViewer to True instead of False, and the animation will work in Firefox as well as IE.
I think this affects stlyes other than Pear - I just had the same issue using Office Blue and Appletini with WebImageViewer. I've submitted a support request, which had no resolution, but resulted in bug fix request BR35392.
As this is now almost two months after your request, could you please let me know if you have received or developed any fix or workaround? Without one, I'm going to have to do some rapid re-design work.
Has been submitted and given the BR_ID of: BR33855
HI Patrick,
You should submit the bug to our Support Department and attach a sample that demonstrates the problem.