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Problem exporting Chart to PDF

So I copied this question from another post because it is the exact same problem I am having and this fella never got an answer. I'm hoping someone will point out what the issue might be. I am using Infragistics 2012 and Visual Studio 2010


I have a problem with exporting chart to PDF - chart gets data from a LINQ datasource. It's very strange because when I enter the page containing my chart I can see all the data that should be in it, but when I click button that'suppose to export it I get a red error text inside that pdf file that my datasource is uspecified, use databind() method...

Another thing is when I use demo data table and bind it to my chart control inside Page_Load event every thing works great, but when I bind it inside LINQDataSource_Selecting event I get the same red error message?? Why?? I can assume why, but how am I suppose to properly bind my LINQ datasource to my chart control outside LINQDataSource_Selecting event??

 Please help me out with this, maybe someone could just point me into right direction??