I have a WebDataGrid with multiple columns. Some columns set a fixed width, but some columns have a percentual width.i.e.
Height="380px" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableDataViewState="True"
EnableTheming="False" ClientEvents-DoubleClick="selectRow" ClientEvents-Click="selectSingleRow">
Key="NintVP" Hidden="true">
Key="Programa" Width="80px" CssClass="AlignColumnCenter">
Key="CodVP" Width="41%" CssClass="text-center">
Key="DescVP" Width="59%">
Key="StatVP" Width="80px" CssClass="text-center">
Without data into the WebDataGrid, If I resize a column with percentual width then i obtain the following javascript error in set_width method. - "old_value" variable is set to "41%" - "value" variable is set to "Infinity%"
But if the webdatagrid has data the error don't ocurr.
Please, Can you see the error image bellow:
I tested your scenario with v13.2.2077 but I could not reproduce the issue. Can you tell me which version you are using, and if possible attach a small sample, so I can test and debug it on my side?