Hi Team,
I have a webhierarchical grid with Bands. In the Band behaviors i'm adding a summary row. But the summary row is getting calculated when I debug the CacluateSummary method in code behind. but the value is not getting displayed in the page instead it is showing "--" in the last column. I tried to display the text, speacified datatype for databound columns, removed dataformatstring, created columnsettings and columnsummaries. But nothing is helping me out. Please help me in providing the solution.
<ig:Band AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyFields="SubRowId" DataMember="SubRows"
ShowHeader="false" ShowFooter="false">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="SubRowId" Key="SubRowId" Header-Text="SubRowId"
Hidden="true" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Type" Key="Type" Header-Text="Type" Width="175px" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="RowTotalMonth1" Key="RowTotalMonth1" Header-Text="Month1"
Width="70px" CssClass="AlignRight" DataType="System.Decimal"/>
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="RowTotalMonth2" Key="RowTotalMonth2" Header-Text="Month2"
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="RowTotalMonth3" Key="RowTotalMonth3" Header-Text="Month3"
Width="70px" CssClass="AlignRight" DataType="System.Decimal" />
<ig:Paging Enabled="false" PagerAppearance="Bottom" PageSize="10" PagerMode="NextPreviousFirstLast" />
<ig:Sorting Enabled="false" />
<ig:SummaryRow Enabled="true" EnableInheritance="true">
<ig:ColumnSummaryInfo ColumnKey="RowTotalMonth1">
<ig:Summary SummaryType="Sum" />
<ig:ColumnSummaryInfo ColumnKey="RowTotalMonth2">
<ig:ColumnSummaryInfo ColumnKey="RowTotalMonth3">
<ig:SummaryRowSetting ColumnKey="RowTotalMonth1" Enabled="true">
<ig:SummarySetting SummaryType="Sum" CssClass="RedTextCell" />
<ig:SummaryRowSetting ColumnKey="RowTotalMonth2" Enabled="true">
<ig:SummaryRowSetting ColumnKey="RowTotalMonth3" Enabled="true">
Please help me at the earliest.
I'm just checking if you still need assistance with the matter.
Please note that v10.3 is outdated and no longer supported: http://es.infragistics.com/help/product-lifecycle/. I would suggest you to upgrade your product to get all the latest updates, fixes and new features.
Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Hi Nikolay,
Thanks for checking. I'm using v10.3. Now the values are getting displayed. But the summary value is not showing in the appropraite column. The first columns is getting used for the Indent/Outdent for the child bands. The summary row is starting from this column. Leaving the last column without showing the summary value. Also confusing the user that the value is not showing in correct column.
Hello Agilan,
This should not happen. What version you are using? You can see this sample where the summaries are correctly displayed in WHDG: http://es.infragistics.com/products/aspnet/sample/hierarchical-data-grid/summaries. If you can provide a small sample that demonstrates the issue, I will be glad to look at it.
The showFooter property in webhierarchical grid is used to get the summary values displayed in the grid. But the summary values are not placed in the correct exact columns. The first column of the grid is showing blank. whics is used to display the expand/collapse. The summary row starting from the first column(expand/collapse), due to that the sum values are placed before the exact columns. I have used the css to remove the first column. But still the values are not placed in the exact column.