I have 5 items in my webdatamenu when I hover it changes the colour to what I want. but when I click on the menu item I get my page - but menu colour defaults.
I want menu item to stay changed colour. so user can know what page / link he is on..
any ideas?
Hello Jagjot,
WebDataMenu features css classes and properties for styling the selected and active items, however the control is configured to remove the selection styling after the focus is lost. Therefore I would suggest manually handling the ItemClicked clientside event in order to apply (and remove) a selection class on the clicked item as such:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" id="igClientScript"> <!-- var lastItemElement; function WebDataMenu1_ItemClick(sender, eventArgs) { if (lastItemElement != null) { $(lastItemElement).removeClass("selectedItem"); } lastItemElement = eventArgs.getItem().get_element(); $(lastItemElement).addClass("selectedItem"); //Add code to handle your event here. }// --> </script>
Hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
I am stuck again into new problem with webdatamenu.
webdatamenu is in my masterpages and I have menu items like : new, active, closed.
And when I click on the menu items they do as expected (change colour) but when in contentpage the page new opens it refreshed the masterpage. selectedmenu defaults to initial colour.
which is creating problem for users in identifying which pagethey are on?
any ideas.
This was never addressed. I am having a similar problem. For some ungodly reason, Infragistics is using JavaScript to apply and remove classes. Why not just use standard CSS pseudo-classes (:hover, :active)? This seems rather amazing that a menu system cannot highlight the menu of the item currently selected. Hell, even Infragistics's own website does this on their main page. Curiously, there are classes which suggest it is possible: HorizontalRootActive and HorizontalRootSelected seem to suggest the active link can be styled. Yet no matter what setting I have used, it doesn't stick on page refresh.