I'm currently upgrading classic controls to newer ones, still using v11.1 with the next step to upgrade them to v 13.1 or 13.2.
I have few questions for calendar controls:
I added WebDatePicker to my page without WebMonthCalendar and it does not show the month-view when clicking the drop-down arrow, it just a text box with date masking and drop-down arrow on the side.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Hello Charles,
Regarding the use of WebMonthCalendar by the WebDatePicker - the date picker instantiates a calendar for its use by default. If customization of the calendar is required, a WebMonthCalendar can be added to the page and associated with the date picker through the DropDownCalendarID property.
As for the use of embedded code blocks - currently the best approach is the one you have described, i.e. wrapping the blocks in an element with a runat server attribute.
Hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Sorry managed to get it working after some digging and testing.
Apparently I need to wrap all embedded code blocks (i.e.: <% %> ) in aspx pages and master page in a tag/control with runat="server" property.
Is there any 'proper' work around other than doing this for... possibly tens of pages just to upgrade to the new WebDatePicker control?