We've recently deployed our web app only to find that certain infragistics images for style presets in controls such as webtabs, aren't being displayed. For example, our tab selectors are invisible, and show text only. It's as though the application cannot locate the infragistics images. Can somebody please advise what I need to do, or where I need to install the image files to resolve this issue.
ps. I've posted this in the forums prior to the upgrade, and I can't seem to access the archived forum to see if I have already had a response. http://forums.archive.infragistics.com seems to be a broken link.
Can you tell what URL the images are pointing to, and if that is a valid URL? Try pasting just the image src value into the browser and see if the images are found and displayed by the browser.
Also, the old forums are still at http://forums.infragistics.com while we continue to test the new forums in a Beta format. Once we make these new forums live, the old forums will be moved to the archive URL.