I have been playing around with the row edit template and the webdropdown. I have seen so many weird issues with this.
1)The container is getting cut off by either by the Webtab or the WebDataGrid or the RowEditTemplate.
2)Or I am getting an error like this.....http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/37211/404134.aspx. To attempt to fix the issue from #1, I turned off EnableDropDownAsChild = false. Which fixed my issue from #1 but one for the first time through. And it threw the issue that is described above.
Any thoughts?
Hello Abby,
I will be happy to assist you with this issue.
May I ask if you have associated the WebDropDown with one of the field from the underlying WebDataGrid? Not performing this step may result in the ArgumentNull javascript error.
To assist you with setting up the WebDropDown inside of a RowEditTemplate, I have attached a sample to this post you may use as reference. Please run the sample and let me know if you have any questions.
container = undefiended.
It throws an error in this javascript---
set_targetContainer: function (container)
///<summary locid="P:J#Infragistics.Web.UI.DropDownBehavior.targetContainer">/// sets the target container for the dropdown behavior. This is the element that will be Dropped down
///<param name="container" type="Sys.UI.DomElement" domElement="true"></param
throw Error.argumentNull('container');
._targetContainer = container;