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WebDropDown Value Lost After Adding ClientEvents-Blur


I am using a WebDropDown within a WebDialogWindow.  The selected value is returned to the server side OK.  However after adding a ClientEvents-Blur event call the value is no longer available on the server side.

This is the control:

<ig:WebDropDown ID="wddMachineName" runat="server" Width="153px" StyleSetName="<%$ appSettings:igStyleSetName %>" DropDownContainerHeight="125px" ClientEvents-Blur="wddMachineName_Blur" ClientIDMode="Static" TabIndex="7"></ig:WebDropDown>

This is the Javascript function: 

function wddMachineName_Blur(sender, e) {
$find('<%=wddMachineModel.ClientID%>').set_currentValue(sender.get_currentValue().slice(sender.get_currentValue().length - 5, sender.get_currentValue().length - 1), true);

The code behind binds data to the control like this:

foreach (MachineNameData machineNameData in mcfilesClient.GetMachineNames())
wddMachineName.Items.Add(new Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownItem(machineNameData.MachineNameAndModel, machineNameData.MachineName));
wddMachineName.SelectedValue = lblMachineName.Text;

Any suggestions as to why adding the client side call causes the server side value to be unavailable would be appreciated.



  • 49378

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    From the given code I have noticed that the Blur event handler of the wddMachineName dropdown is setting the value of some other dropdown on the page. So far I am unable to reproduce the described behavior locally. Are there any particular steps to reproduce this issue, or any special configurations regarding when and how the postbacks occur, at what stage the value of the dropdown is unavailable etc.

    A small working sample illustrating the issue would be greatly appreciated and would allow me to look into this matter further.

    Do not hesitate to contact me with any updates or questions.