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Setting column width when binding empty table.

I'm creating the webdatagrid by binding datatable with one row witch becomes header.

I have the DefaultColumnWidth set and it works for all columns.

What I want to do is set a different column width for different columns.

But the webdatagrid says it has no rows nor columns.

It begins like this:

WebTableControl.DataSource = table

WebTableControl.DefaultColumnWidth = 150
TableControlBase.getViewState("table") = table

Than what I've tried to do is:


WebTableControl.Rows(0).Items(7).Column.Width = 400

WebTableControl.Rows(0).Items(6).Column.Width = 100


WebTableControl.Columns("column name").Width = 400
WebTableControl.Columns("column name 2").Width = 200


For Each igrow As Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.GridRecord In WebTableControl.Columns



None of those seems to work.

After adding a row what does work is this:

Protected Sub ApplyFieldSettings_InitializeRow(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowEventArgs) Handles WebTableControl.InitializeRow

Dim IGRow As Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.GridRecord = e.Row

But not on a empty webdatagrid.

Any suggestions?

  • 50
    Verified Answer

    Found a solution maybe someone will need it.

    I've just added a row to the table (any row) binded table to webdatagrid, then removed the row and binded again.

    Thanks to that the initializerow event fired and the webdatagrid keept the columns width set in the event.