I have a problem with a WebTab object. I'm adding a tab from client side (with javascript), Initially my request works perfectly, but when I close a Tab, it doesn't close completely. I am attaching an example that focuses my request.
I want to add Tabs dinamycally in WebTab when the user clicks on any ExplorerBarItem, but that they are not repeated; for this reason I am validating it in javascript using:
if (webTab.findTabFromKey(value) == null) {
//Only if there isn't, I will add a new Tab
But, only it works the fisrt time, after that it doesn't work.
Please, Could you help me?
Geovanny Domínguez
Please, Does anyone here help me? Any suggestions?
I have found the reply for my issue; The delete tab item on the client is not supported because it will not be possible to maintain viewstate of old tab items. I found reference at: