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Align to right

The Webmonthcalendar is aligned by default to the left side of the WebdatePicker.

I want to align the Webmonthcalendar, to the right side of the WebdatePicker, since I work in RTL mode.

So I want the right side of the Webmonthcalendar to be just in line with the right side of the WebdatePicker.

How to do?

  • 7570

    Hello drpoalim,


    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • 7570

    Hello drpoalim,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    At present, the WebDatePicker does not have a property nor does it raise an event to directly handle the direction in which the WebMonthCalendar may be rendered. The location on which the calendar displays is calculated based on the location of the WebDatePicker relative to the visible boundaries of the browser. As a workaround, the function which the WebDatePicker uses to determine the dropdown point may be overridden as follows:

     function WebDatePicker1_CalendarOpening(sender, eventArgs) { 

                 $util._datePickerTime = new Date().getTime();            

                if ($util._old_getDropPoint)   return;           

                $util._old_getDropPoint = $util._getDropPoint;            

                $util._getDropPoint = function (elem, drop) { 

                                      var p = this._old_getDropPoint(elem, drop);                

                                      p.x -= 95;                

                                       return p;            



    For more details, please refer to the following forum thread:

    If you have any questions, please let me know as well.