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whdg datarelation manual markup


I am using NetAdvantage 12.2 and have implemented a solution using the webhierarchicaldatagrid. I have given up trying to use the webhierarchicaldatasource with stored's just too broken (I guess?) and have gone to a code behind solution using datarelations to populate the bands. Now I want to turn off the autocolumn and autoband features and write the band and column control manually using markup. I have the top level markup working to control the columns.

But I can't get the Band markup to recognize my markup. I would like to see an example of:

codebehind using datarelations and manual markup of the whdg uilitzing multiple bands with column control.

Any help will be appreciated, TIA, Jim Spicer

  • 165

    Hi again,

    Well noone replied so below is the direction I am now trying...maybe it will help someone else.

    Public Sub LoadWHDG(ByVal strVendorsID As String, ByVal strUsersDataID As String)

    WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.DataSourceID = Nothing 'clear the control


    Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet
    Dim dt As New System.Data.DataTable

    ds.Tables.Add(GetPOReport(0, "Jobs" & Session("CoName"), "VendorProjects" & Session("CoName"), "dbo.usp_getVendorPOListByVendor", strVendorsID, strUsersDataID, True))
    dt = clsCustParams.GetLineItemsFromVendorsID(strVendorsID, Session("CoID"), Session("ProjID"), "Transactions" & Session("CoName"), "Jobs" & Session("CoName"), "Types" & Session("CoName"), True)

    Dim relJobs As New DataRelation("Jobs", ds.Tables(0).Columns("Job_ID"), ds.Tables(1).Columns("Job_ID"), True)


    ' Create band
    Dim childBand As New Band()
    childBand.DataKeyFields = "Job_ID"

    ' Set the key from the data source
    childBand.Key = "Job_ID"
    ' Set the data member from the data source to bind to
    childBand.DataMember = dt.TableName

    Me.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.AutoGenerateBands = False
    Me.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.Bands("Job_ID").AutoGenerateColumns = False

    Dim boundField As New BoundDataField(True)
    ' Define column for the child band
    boundField = New BoundDataField(True)
    boundField.Key = "Date"
    boundField.Header.Text = "Date"
    'Bind to Product ID field in data source
    boundField.DataFieldName = "Date"
    childBand.Columns("Date").Width = 80
    boundField = New BoundDataField(True)
    boundField.Key = "Estimate"
    boundField.Header.Text = "Amount"
    boundField.DataFieldName = "Estimate"
    childBand.Columns("Estimate").Width = 100
    boundField = New BoundDataField(True)
    boundField.Key = "Description"
    boundField.Header.Text = "Description"
    boundField.DataFieldName = "Description"
    childBand.Columns("Description").Width = 200
    WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.DataKeyFields = "Job_ID"

    WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.DataSource = ds


    End Sub
