I have a page with pretty extensive Hierarchical grid. It takes about 30 - 40 seconds to load on the browser end.
One way to improve loading time is to create paging.. what are other methods to improve performance/shorten loading time ?
Hello mcseidel,
Thank you for the update. I have taken a look at your markup and I have a few follow up questions concerning this matter. Have you tried setting the InitialDataBindDepth to -1? This will make sure all the records load initially instead of on expand. Have you tried setting EnableAjax to true? This will make it so when the grid causes a postback it will postback for just the grid and not the entire page. Do you have any other browser options than IE8? Like IE9 or a newer browser?
Sincerely, Mike P. Developer Support Engineer II Infragistics, Inc. www.infragistics.com
Sorry for mistake, attached markup file, EnabledDataViewState set to default value : False
Thank you for the update. It seems that instead of attaching your markup you have attached the cs codebehind file. Can you please attach the markup so I can look at what properties you use on your grid? Do you set the EnableDataViewState property of the gird?
Data get stored in the session : retrieved once and maintained there until saved... the big grid on the first tab also some filtering capabilities implemented, the rest seems like minor addition, here is the binding on the page load and the mark up page attached:
if (IsPostBack) { if ((ExhibitLR2MasterDS)Session["ExhLR2MasterDS"] != null) { // ExceptionUtility.LogException("Due~~PageLoad PostBack, Data exists: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff tt")); ExhibitLR2MasterDS MasterDS = (ExhibitLR2MasterDS)Session["ExhLR2MasterDS"]; ExhibitLR2MasterDS.ExhLR2MasterTblDataTable MstTbl = MasterDS.ExhLR2MasterTbl; uc_top_refresh.wddTopAcctFilters.AutoPostBackFlags.ValueChanged = Infragistics.Web.UI.AutoPostBackFlag.On; string filter = uc_top_refresh.wddTopAcctFilters.SelectedValue; if (hdnAccountFilterVal.Value != filter) { hdnAccountFilterVal.Value = filter; whdg.GridView.ClearDataSource(); whdg.GridView.Rows.Clear(); MstTbl.DefaultView.RowFilter = filter; whdg.DataSource = MasterDS; // (ExhibitLR2MasterDS)Session["ExhLR2MasterDS"]; whdg.DataBind(); whdg.GridView.RequestFullAsyncRender(); } else { MstTbl.DefaultView.RowFilter = hdnAccountFilterVal.Value; whdg.DataSource = MasterDS; // (ExhibitLR2MasterDS)Session["ExhLR2MasterDS"]; whdg.DataBind(); } ExhibitLR2DetalsDS ExhLR2DetailsDS = (ExhibitLR2DetalsDS)Session["ExhLR2DetailsDS"]; wdgSrv.DataSource = ExhLR2DetailsDS.SurveyTbl; wdgSrv.DataBind(); // SynchronizedExtra(); //BindExtra(); }
Thank you for the update. I have a few follow up questions concerning this matter. Where are you getting your data from? Are you storing on the server? Instead of the source can you provide me with the markup for grid so I can see what properties you are using and how you are setting them?